Saturday, March 10, 2007


Sunday March 11th has finally arrived and we will be leaving RDU Airport at approximately 10:30am arriving in Washington, DC at 11:40am. We then depart on South Africa Airlines at 5:20pm to Johannesburg nonstop for 15 hours arriving at 2:45pm Monday March 12th. After one more short flight to Pietermaritzburg which is about one hour long, we are almost there.
Our Agathos friends will be sending a team of 4 volunteers to pick us up, Jason, Scott, Sasha and Danielle. We will be so glad to see them and look forward to getting to know each other on the 40 minute drive to Lokstop.
Please continue to pray for safe travel for Robbie and I, the journey is a long one but I know that God has some amazing things waiting at the other end! God Bless, Pam


SouthAfrica said...

Longest non-stop in the world .... have a good flight from Washington to Johannesburg. Enjoy my country. Prayers.

The Orphan Within said...

Have been thinking and praying for you today... Know that God is with you! Look to hear all He has revealed to you upon your return~ God Speed, Warmly, Ron & Ann Marie Elmore